Toddler Development & Discovery
Toddler Care (15 to 36 Months)
We know that a child’s curiosity is never ending and our highly trained teachers understand that toddlers learn best when provided with a safe environment that stimulates their imagination. Our toddler area is designed to encourage exploration and the excitement of discovery through activity-based learning centers that promote:
Large Muscle Development – Rocking toys, riding vehicles & climbing areas
Small Muscle Development – Blocks, games & puzzles
Dramatic Play – Dolls & doll houses, workbenches & tool sets, kitchens & food, attending puppet theatre
Arts & Crafts – Drawing, painting & sculpture stations; sand, water and rice sensory tables
Music Appreciation – Playing, strumming and shaking musical/percussion instruments; listening to songs and singing along
Science – Sand, water and rice sensory table experiments involving texture (solid/liquid) , quantity and volume (more/less, empty/full)
Math – Counting, sorting & matching games, concepts of quantity and volume (more/less, empty/full) and conversational time (now/then, before/after, first/last)
Language Arts - Story time & group conversations (show & tell, discuss feelings & identifying emotions – happy, sad, angry, excited)
Language Enrichment - Optional weekly multi-lingual language program
Outdoor Play – Twice daily, weather permitting for large muscle development
Our commitment to help our children “go above and bee-yond” ensures you are kept informed of your child’s progress and development. A daily log of your child’s learning activities as well as feeding, sleeping and diapering behaviors will be provided along with recommendations of what you can do at home to further engage your child and encourage learning.