Kindergarten Readiness
Pre-K (Ages 4 & 5)
Helping children prepare for Kindergarten by developing independent, child-initiated learning skills is one of the basic aspects of our comprehensive Kindergarten Readiness program. The Pre-K classroom is arranged into various interest and learning centers where children learn to balance play with academic learning.
Teacher-initiated learning activities also focus on a child’s specific learning style and build confidence based on the child’s interests and strengths. Group activities however focus on building social skills and teaching morally acceptable behavior that help children cope with success and failure which ultimately lead to meaningful relationships at work or at play.
Large Muscle Development – Exercising, stretching and sport play
Small Muscle Development– Drawing & cutting shapes; using pencil or crayon to make letters, words and sentences
Dramatic Play – Role playing & imagining specific or more complex scenarios allowing children to predict what will happen and how they would react, putting on puppet theatre shows.
Arts & Crafts – Experiment with different textures and materials to create new art forms from ordinary objects (i.e., cover an ordinary coffee can and turn it into a bank.
Music Appreciation – Singing invented songs or familiar children’s songs alone or with others, playing various musical instruments alone or in a group
*Science– Performing indoor and outdoor experiments to test a hypothesis. Participates in individual and group discussions on causes and results. Also explores other possible outcomes, putting potential solutions to the test.
*Math – Compare length, area, temperature and weight; use patterns to determine events that reoccur; describe graphs using language such as more, less, most, least and the same; group quantities of up to twenty objects in a set; compare two sets of up to twenty objects and identify which set is more, less or the same. Also more advanced computer skills accessing interactive lessons & games from a CD-ROM, creating, saving and finding documents
*Language Arts – Asks and answers questions referring to who, what, when, where and how; ability to retell information and identify storybook characters and details about the setting, plot, theme, conflict, and point of view in a story; capable of reading and writing basic words.
Language Enrichment – Optional weekly multi-lingual language program
Outdoor Play – Twice daily, weather permitting for large muscle development
(*) Science, Math and Language Arts activities are based on National Learning Standards for Kindergarten Readiness
Our commitment to help our childrens “go above and bee-yond” ensures you are kept informed of your child’s progress and development. A daily log of your child’s learning activities as well as feeding, sleeping and daily social behaviors will be provided along with recommendations of what you can do at home to further engage your child and encourage learning.